
Diabetes and Oral Health

Lifestyle changes and evolving food eating patterns has yielded a series of oral health issues over the past few years and expected to increase exponentially. Tooth decay and other host of dental problems are bound to inevitably occur but people with diabetes patients are most likely to face issues of Dental problems.

Common Oral health problems afflicting the Dental patients:

1)      Tooth decay:

The higher the blood sugar level, the greater the supply of sugars translating to more in turn decaying of teeth.

2)      Dry mouth due to lack of saliva:

Diabetes causes the decrease in saliva flow which in turn leads to the dry mouth. Dry mouth in turn leads to tooth decay and multiple gum issues. It affects speaking, swallowing and chewing. To avoid it is the primary concern by regularly in taking water or using mouth moisturizer.

3)      Gum problems:

Gum disease is more severe in people who have diabetes because the disease lowers the ability to fight infection and slows healing. An infection will cause blood sugar level to rise and leads to diabetes issues. So take control of gum issues and diabetes at one go.

4)      Fungal infections:

A yeast infection appears as lesions on the skin, mouth and throat. Oral fungal infections are treated with special mouthwashes and antifungal medication which also control blood sugar levels in the body.

Diabetes and dental treatment depends on the precautions taken and oral hygiene maintenance. Self-care and professional care from Focus Dental Care is highly efficient in keeping your healthy smile while reducing diabetes. Dr Ajay Krishna one of the dentists working extensively with the diabetic patients and oral health hygiene on a regular basis. Practicing good oral hygiene and having professional deep cleanings done by our dentist can help to lower the sugar in the blood.

Diabetes and Oral Health Plan:

1)      Control the blood sugar level by monitoring it on a regular basis. Follow the diabetes specialist on the medical advice plus taking the time out to see a dentist. Good blood sugar level enhances your capacity to fight dental problems.

2)      Avoid smoking or any tobacco products.

3)      Clean the dentures twice a day for cleanliness and efficiency.

4)      Brush the teeth after every meal and use the floss on a regular basis.

5)      Avoid a dry mouth with regular intake of water.

6)      Visit our dentist regularly for advice about proper home care, early intervention thus leading to more effective control of the problems in oral health.

Following a proper schedule and rigorous medical care is an absolute necessity in relieving the oral hygiene. Then, take good care of your teeth and gums, along with regular check-ups every six months with visits to dentists will be beneficial for long term oral healthcare.