What is Tooth Sensitivity?

What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth Sensitivity in a nutshell:

Tooth sensitivity affects the tooth or exposed root surfaces. This occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth gets thinner, or when gum recession occurs, exposing the underlying surface, the dentin thus reducing the protection the enamel and gums provide to the tooth and root. It is pretty common among the majority of population due to changing lifestyles. If consumption of hot, cold or sour foods make your teeth painful, then it is the time to make a visit to the dental clinic.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity:

  • Tooth erosion due to consumption of highly acidic foods and beverages.
  • Worn tooth enamel from using a hard toothbrush.
  • Tooth decay, worn leaky fillings and broken teeth.
  • Gum recession that leaves your root exposed.


Sensitive teeth are easily found out due to the pain it comes when consuming food. Hot sensitive are when one has problem consuming hot food and cold sensitive when one faces hindrance when consuming the cold food. The pain that occurs is intense, of short duration and localised in just one tooth or number of teeth. It can last for a short time and people might forget it but it will keep on happening on a regular basis.

Dental Treatment:

Finding the diagnosis and a quick visit to the dental clinics would eliminate the aliment. Dentists will apply the right treatment methods while we also need to find the best precaution measures to avoid it. It is the most frequent cause of dental pain and can lead to onset of oral diseases including caries, gingivitis or periodontitis, if it is not properly treated. Some preventive measures to be deployed in the life are:

  • Avoid acidic food and beverages.
  • Follow right dental practises such as use of soft toothbrush and soft cleaning.
  • Using Desensitizing products.

Treatments undertaken to alleviate the pain in the teeth:

  • Fluoride Gel: Strengthens the tooth enamel while reducing the sensations in the tooth.
  • Root Canal: Final step taken by the dentists if the pain is severe and persistent.
  • Dental crowns: Dentists used them to correct a flaw or decay that results in sensitivity.

Proper oral hygiene holds the key in preventing sensitive-tooth pain. If you are in Hyderabad, make a visit to the Focus Dental Care. They will answer any questions about your daily oral hygiene routine or concerns about tooth sensitivity.