Everything about Dental Implants

Everything About Dental Implants

Nothing in life should rob you of your smile and confidence. Don’t worry. With the new Dental Implantation Procedures, you will never afford to.

Smile FDC

Smile FDC

You no longer have to feel awkward about the long and painful procedures, Dental Implants is your way to go to restore your Dental health. So, want to know more about the ‘Dental Implants’? We have compiled a list of FAQ to clear all your doubts! Here you go:

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a standard tooth restoration procedure to restore your missing or damaged tooth. They are the permanent replacement for broken or missing teeth. Though it sounds like one single entity, a Dental implant is a combination of three parts: A titanium screw that is attached to the jaw bone, an abutment that acts as a connector, and a prosthetic crown.

How does a Dental Implant work?

As said above the Dental Implant follows a three-piece mechanism:

1. Implant Post: Made from a bio-compatible titanium, an implant post is what makes this procedure different from other methods. The titanium implant post that looks like a screw is integrated with the jaw bone to form a stable foundation.

2. Abutment: The second stage starts with the attachment of the abutment to the implant post. This serves as the connector between the base and the crown that it has to support, so it comes in different shapes and sizes.

3. Restoration: This is the face of the total procedure. This can be a single crown, bridge or a denture that is to be attached to the base of the dental implant. As soon as the gums are healed after placing the abutment, the crown, bridge or the denture is carefully implanted. They are custom made with a natural-looking sheen to accurately fit-in to the void.

How different is a Dental Implant from other procedures?

Dental Implants is a permanent solution. But more importantly, it is the procedure that brings back the natural appearance and function of the normal teeth. Unlike bridges and dentures that replace only crowns and have those jarring issues, Dental Implants like said above, replaces both the root and crown. The titanium rod, abutment, and the crown work with each other to give you a strong oral health and a natural smile. This makes it the most preferred solution for people looking to restore their natural smile and appearance. It is widely accepted and practiced procedure among the Dental Professionals because of its efficiency.

Are these Dental Implants strong and natural?

A resounding yes. In fact, these dental implants are actually stronger, look aesthetically better, and have improved functionality than your natural teeth.

What is the actual need for Dental Implant? What happens when the missing tooth is not replaced?

A missing tooth should always be replaced. The void left by the tooth results in the slight movement of remaining teeth, causing your bite to collapse. And correcting this biting problem is complex and expensive too.

How long does the procedure last?

There is no concrete time frame for the procedure. A dentist provides you with the complete treatment plan, estimated time and cost after completing the necessary diagnostics. This may vary from patient to patient owing their medical and the type of materials used. A sure shot way to find it is to consult your Dentist.

How much does a ‘Dental Implant for elderly folk’ cost?

Be it the Dental Implants for seniors or Dental implants for younger, the cost depends on many factors. One can only arrive at an estimate after a consultation visit.

What is the average age for a Dental Implants?

While patients under age of 18 are not a right candidate for Dental implantation, there is no upper age limit for the same. Dental Implants at 70 or 18, both ate completely safe depending on the health condition of the patient .So, arriving at an ‘average age for Dental Implants’ is difficult and pretty much redundant.

Does the Implant procedure hurt?

No. Relatively, Conventional Dental Implantation is not a painful procedure if performed by an expert dentist. Local anaesthesia is administered, which can sting a bit but nothing more than normal. Sedation is provided in case of complex cases making it comfortable for the patients. A well-equipped Dental Clinic and staff will make sure that the procedure is as painless as possible.

How long does it take to recover?

The recovery period is quick. In the case of single tooth implants, you will be able to return to the work right the day after the implantation. Immediate Dental Implants is being resorted to, in many cases. You will be having fixed teeth in 3 days at the maximum. For multiple implantations, you may have to recuperate for a few days before returning to your normal routine.

Can all the teeth be replaced with Implants?

Yes, the advanced procedures help us do it with ease. This procedure doesn’t need an individual implantation for each missing tooth but only requires four implants to replace all of them. We suggest you consult an Implant Dentistry Specialist for further information.

I am a Diabetic .Can I get the Dental Implants?

The inherent condition for Diabetes increases the chance of Implant failure, when compared to a healthy person. But that doesn’t mean you are deprived of the convenience of Dental Implants. If you can keep your Diabetes in check and maintain a healthy lifestyle you can get the Implantation done. With the latest medical advancements, there has been a major surge in success rate of Dental Implants for diabetic patients.

How safe are ‘Dental Implants for heart patients’?

The medications and precaution taken by heart patients used to be in conflict with Dental Implant procedure. But with advanced less invasive Dental Implantation procedures, heart patients can get the Implantation done without any complications and risks. A thorough medical examination consultation by the Dentist is needed before arriving at a conclusion.

Can I get the Dental implants for front teeth?

Yes, you certainly can. Please contact Focus Dental Care for a thorough consultation.

I am an International Patient and can I get my Dental Implantation Procedure done in India?

We have served many International patients in the past and currently running a special program – ‘The Dental Implants Treatment for International Patients’. If you are in India, we request you to contact us for more details. Dental Implants have single-handedly changed the face of the dentistry for the past 20 years and they continue to improve upon the current methods to create even more affordable Dental Implants. So it all boils down to the Dental Implant Services you resort to i.e. the Dentist you choose. If you are searching for Best Dental Implants Clinic in Hyderabad you are bound to find many, but if you carefully sift through the reviews and track record, only a handful will make the cut. And Focus Dental Care is one of them. Our team of expert Dentists follows a personalized approach that helps us provide the accurate assessment and treatment for all the dental problems. Got more queries?

You can contact us here:  +91 9603172172